Seeing Hoboken through Jane Jacobs’ eyes

Her book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, has influenced generations of urban thinkers and city planners Jane's Walk Hoboken will take place on Saturday, May 4 at 11 a.m.  Click link to register. Ron Hine  |  FBW | April 28, 2024 I read Jane Jacobs’ seminal book, The [...]

Seeing Hoboken through Jane Jacobs’ eyes2024-04-28T21:04:39-04:00

Who needs a car in Hoboken, the ultimate 15-minute city?

Ron Hine | FBW | March 13, 2023 It takes me less than 15 minutes to walk to my office in the old, industrial Neumann Leathers Building at Hoboken’s southern border. My apartment is just around the corner from Church Square Park and the Hoboken Public Library. Within a several block [...]

Who needs a car in Hoboken, the ultimate 15-minute city?2023-03-14T12:04:56-04:00

In praise of London plane trees in London . . . and in Hoboken

Shade trees also play a vital role in combating climate change Hoboken’s first parks -- Church Square, Columbus, Stevens and Elysian -- dating from the late 1880s to 1912, all contain London plane trees. What remarkable foresight the city leaders of that era had, as their investment has lasted [...]

In praise of London plane trees in London . . . and in Hoboken2022-01-25T13:40:11-05:00

Active streetscapes are the key to successful urban neighborhoods

FBW | October 15, 2021 In her influential book The Death and Life of Great American Cities published in 1961, Jane Jacobs relates the important lessons of her Greenwich Village neighborhood. The mix of residential and retail, closely-spaced and hugging the sidewalk and the street, results in [...]

Active streetscapes are the key to successful urban neighborhoods2021-10-20T14:01:38-04:00

Urban shade trees are the key to building sustainable, healthy and happy cities

Shade trees also play a vital role in combating climate change FBW | July 1, 2021 Dense urban areas like Hoboken get hotter than suburban and rural areas. The sun heats up the hard surfaces of the brick, glass, concrete and asphalt. These structures absorb and reflect the [...]

Urban shade trees are the key to building sustainable, healthy and happy cities2021-07-01T16:42:31-04:00

With rows of shade trees, Hoboken’s South Waterfront is a model for trees in urban design

Extending a similar landscape design to the north would make Hoboken’s waterfront truly exceptional The rows of trees lining the promenade along Hoboken's South Waterfront reflects the importance of trees in urban design. FBW | June 8, 2021 For four blocks at Hoboken’s South Waterfront from Newark to [...]

With rows of shade trees, Hoboken’s South Waterfront is a model for trees in urban design2021-06-08T09:12:11-04:00

A model for the North End redevelopment: Hoboken’s own historic urban village

Hoboken City Council will cast final vote on North End Plan on Wed. night March 3 at 7 pm. Image 1: Hoboken's turn-of-the-century five-story walkups on Washington St. south of Newark St. Image 2: The North End Redevelopment Plan: rendering of buildings along 15th Street looking east. Image [...]

A model for the North End redevelopment: Hoboken’s own historic urban village2021-02-28T10:55:42-05:00

Urban design flaws afflict North End Plan

An amended North End Plan will go back to a first reading/vote by the Hoboken City Council on Wed. night February 17 at 7 pm. Image 1: North End Redevelopment Plan: massing illustration. Image 2: North End Redevelopment Plan: rendering of building along 15th Street looking east. Image [...]

Urban design flaws afflict North End Plan2021-02-10T19:22:54-05:00

Liberty Harbor North at Jersey City waterfront based on the tenets of new urbanism

More photos: Liberty Harbor North in Jersey City, New Jersey – July 2020 Photo 1: New urbanist development in Jersey City at Liberty Harbor North. Photo 2: The street layout for Liberty Harbor North. Photo 3: Additional townhouse development at Liberty Harbor North. FBW | July 28, 2020 Some of [...]

Liberty Harbor North at Jersey City waterfront based on the tenets of new urbanism2020-07-28T12:33:33-04:00

Liberty Harbor North in Jersey City, New Jersey – July 2020

Read the story: Liberty Harbor North at Jersey City waterfront based on the tenets of new urbanism Townhouse development at Liberty Harbor North is based on scale and character of surrounding historic Downtown Jersey City neighborhoods. Liberty Harbor North original street plan adopted by City of Jersey City in 2001 creating [...]

Liberty Harbor North in Jersey City, New Jersey – July 20202020-07-30T09:55:09-04:00

The Hudson River waterfront and the planning process:  public or private?

Photo 1: The newly built Ellipse, a luxury residential 44-story tower, on a pier at Jersey City's Newport waterfront. Photo 2: Bird-eye view of Hoboken's South Waterfront with a waterfront park clearly delineated from upland blocks of private development by last north-south street. Photo 3: Private gated community at North Bergen's [...]

The Hudson River waterfront and the planning process:  public or private?2020-07-03T14:38:01-04:00

With demise of Google’s plan, Toronto has opportunity to create a truly public lakefront

Sidewalk Labs' former plan for the Toronto lakefront, aimed to make Toronto the global hub for urban innovation but failed to delineate public space at the water's edge from upland private development. By Craig Whitaker | Craig Whitaker Architects | May 27, 2020 The recent announcement that Sidewalks Lab was abandoning its [...]

With demise of Google’s plan, Toronto has opportunity to create a truly public lakefront2020-05-27T14:10:17-04:00

A Nobel-Winning Economist Goes to Burning Man by Emily Badger (New York Times 9-5-2019)

Burning Man's Black Rock City in the Nevada desert Amid the desert orgies, Paul Romer investigates a provocative question: Is this bacchanal a model of urban planning? When FBW began its Plan for the Hoboken Waterfront in 1990, the first advice we got was to extend the public street grid to the [...]

A Nobel-Winning Economist Goes to Burning Man by Emily Badger (New York Times 9-5-2019)2020-02-05T18:00:44-05:00

The urban design principles that make for successful waterfronts

This article is an excerpt from Reclaiming the Waterfront, A Planning Guide for Waterfront Municipalities published by the Fund for a Better Waterfront in August 1996. The street. It is the river of life of the city, the place where we come together, the pathway to the center. It is the [...]

The urban design principles that make for successful waterfronts2018-10-20T15:57:23-04:00

Master Plans, Official Maps and “Paper Streets”

Detail from the Commissioner's Plan of 1811 for Manhattan. This plan was laid out over a hundred years before the last parcels were developed at the northern end of the island. This article is an excerpt from Reclaiming the Waterfront, A Planning Guide for Waterfront Municipalities published by the Fund for a Better Waterfront [...]

Master Plans, Official Maps and “Paper Streets”2018-10-24T15:40:20-04:00

Col. Stevens’ vision for Hoboken still valid 200 years later

FBW | July 18, 2014 In 1990, FBW began to develop its Plan for the Hoboken Waterfront. The first step in the planning process was to extend Hoboken’s traditional street grid to the waterfront. Designating where streets will be located is the fundamental first step of any rational city planning process. It determines the [...]

Col. Stevens’ vision for Hoboken still valid 200 years later2018-10-31T17:20:47-04:00

A prophetic vision for successful and failed waterfronts

 FBW | September 11, 2013 10/23/2014 Update: FBW honored Craig Whitaker at its Connect the Waterfront event, presenting him with the FBW Riparian Award, in recognition for his lasting impact on the Hudson River waterfront. Mr. Whitaker has guided the advocacy work of FBW through planning principles that have ensured a continuous, public waterfront [...]

A prophetic vision for successful and failed waterfronts2018-10-31T17:16:46-04:00
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