If the state and federal government permit an industrial ferry refueling/maintenance facility at the former Union Dry Dock site, it would be the death knell of the Hoboken Cove. It would result in frequent, high-speed ferry traffic 18 hours daily, 7 days a week, resulting in corresponding wakes and turbulence. The diesel refueling and inevitable spills would pollute the air and water. The Hoboken Cove would no longer be hospitable or safe for the fishermen, kayakers, paddleboarders, skateboarders and families that now depend on this unique site for their recreation needs. The ultimate decision as to where the ferry maintenance/refueling facility will be located rests with New Jersey’s governor. Please write to Gov. Murphy to express your concerns. Letters should be addressed to:

The Honorable Phil Murphy
Governor of New Jersey
P.O. Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625

You can also call the governor at 609-292-6000 or email him at constituent.relations@nj.gov.

Best to limit to 1 page focusing on 1 issue. Include your home or organization address. Please send us a pdf copy for our records.

Letters to Governor Murphy

Ron Hine – FBW
Heather Gibbons
Jim Vance
Nicholas Borg
Leslie Florio

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