Betterwaterfront archives.

Stevens Tech files suit against critics

Jersey JournalBy Michaelangelo ConteJournal staff writer HOBOKEN - Stevens Institute of Technology has filed a defamation suit against the Fund for a Better Waterfront, saying two of its officers "maliciously published statements with knowledge of their falsity and with reckless disregard of the truth." The FBW has called Stevens' suit "baseless" and said it would [...]

Stevens Tech files suit against critics2012-01-07T01:26:54-05:00

Is Stevens unauthorized construction unstoppable?

Concrete for roof of parking deck now being poured despite the fact that the Hoboken Planning Board never granted approval for this garage. (February 2003) On March 11, 2002, Stevens Institute of Technology began excavating over 35,000 tons of serpentine rock at Castle Point to make way for a 725-car parking garage. Five weeks later, [...]

Is Stevens unauthorized construction unstoppable?2017-08-18T20:19:11-04:00

Campus master plan: new firm advocating same old projects

Stevens' proposed soccer field and running track at the Union Dry Dock site will cover several acres of the Hudson River with decking and pilings. (January 2003) At the end of last year, Stevens Institute of Technology announced with great fanfare that it had hired the Philadelphia firm of Wallace Roberts and Todd to develop [...]

Campus master plan: new firm advocating same old projects2017-08-18T20:19:49-04:00

Maxwell House hearings could end on Dec. 23

The former Maxwell House Coffee plant, a 14 acre site proposed for a 1.4 million square foot development. (December 2002) For the past seventeen months, the application for the 1.4 million square foot Maxwell House development project, has followed a tortured path through the Hoboken Planning Board hearing process. Attorney James Segreto, representing objectors to [...]

Maxwell House hearings could end on Dec. 232017-08-18T20:20:20-04:00

Hoboken waterfront featured in Inquirer article

The walkway at Pier A Park in Hoboken designed by landscape architects Henry Arnold and Cassandra Wilday. (December 2002) Inga Saffron, the architectural critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer has been writing about a troubled waterfront development project at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia. Penn's Landing, over the past twenty years, has gone through four different plans [...]

Hoboken waterfront featured in Inquirer article2017-08-18T20:20:53-04:00

Final Vote on South Waterfront

(November 2002) Monday, December 2 at 7 pm -- Special Meeting/Public Workshop of City Council -- Hoboken City Council Chambers Monday, December 4 at 7 pm -- Hoboken City Council -- FINAL VOTE On November 18, a packed City Council Chambers caused the Council to table an ordinance to amend the South Waterfront Redevelopment Plan. [...]

Final Vote on South Waterfront2012-01-18T15:23:34-05:00

Mayor ups development limits at south waterfront

Applied Companies/Starwood Heller, developers of 333 River Street at Block C, have been designated to build an 160 foot high-rise hotel at the northern portion of Block B. (November 2002) At the November 6, 2002 City Council caucus, the administration of Mayor David Roberts unveiled for the first time a revised proposal for Block B [...]

Mayor ups development limits at south waterfront2017-08-18T20:21:28-04:00

SIT house of cards for Maxwell House collapses

Rendering of Stevens Institute's proposal for Maxwell House created by Demetri Sarantitis of the Team for Environmental Architecture. (October 2002) Was it just a pipe dream? For the past year, Stevens Institute has touted its elaborate plans for the former Maxwell House Coffee plant, 14 acres at Hoboken's north waterfront. Stevens promised to establish a [...]

SIT house of cards for Maxwell House collapses2017-08-18T20:21:50-04:00

Stevens seeking approval for garage under construction

Contractors for Stevens Institute are now pouring the concrete walls, supporting columns and ramps for the four-story parking garage, not yet approved by the Planning Board. (September 2002) On Thursday, September 12 at 7 p.m. at Hoboken City Hall, Stevens Institute of Technology will present their "concept" plan for a 725 car parking garage facing [...]

Stevens seeking approval for garage under construction2017-08-18T20:22:32-04:00

Was illegal permit granted for parking garage?

Since March 11, four months of excavation for a Stevens' parking garage has been completed but the Planning Board has issued no approvals for this project. (July 2002) The Hoboken Zoning Ordinance requires that the Planning Board grant site plan approval for parking facilities of 50 cars or more. Flaunting this requirement, Stevens Institute of [...]

Was illegal permit granted for parking garage?2017-08-18T20:23:05-04:00

Actinolite asbestos, a potent carcinogen, identified

With no dumping allowed in the Meadowlands, serpentine rock accumulates at Castle Point in Hoboken, uncovered. (May 2002) On April 24, 2002, after learning that an estimated 30,000 cubic yards of rock dumped in the Meadowlands contained asbestos, the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission ordered an end to the dumping and demanded its removal. Subsequently, NJMC [...]

Actinolite asbestos, a potent carcinogen, identified2017-08-18T20:23:25-04:00

Complex land transaction to create park at risk

Fund for a Better Waterfront's design for Maxwell House Park. (March 2002) Potentially, Maxwell House Park could be the jewel in the crown of Hoboken's string of waterfront parks. In a unique land conservation arrangement orchestrated by the Fund for a Better Waterfront (FBW), the owners of the former Maxwell House Coffee plant have offered [...]

Complex land transaction to create park at risk2017-08-18T20:23:53-04:00

Proposals negate opportunity for continuous park

Stevens' rendering of their proposed Harbor Estuary Center makes the building appear transparent. (March 10, 2002) Hoboken is now tantalizingly close to creating a truly public waterfront. The city has nearly completed a continuous park running the entire one-mile stretch of the Hudson River from the Hoboken Train Terminal to the Weehawken Cove. Only three [...]

Proposals negate opportunity for continuous park2017-08-18T20:26:54-04:00

Hoboken developer Joe Barry targeted by federal investigators

(September 2001) When real estate developer Joe Barry sat in the car of his political friend, County Executive Robert Janiszewski, he was not aware that their conversation was being recorded. At the end of last year, FBI agents had ensnared Janiszewski in a sting operation, causing him to help collect evidence in what appears to [...]

Hoboken developer Joe Barry targeted by federal investigators2012-01-18T21:26:48-05:00

Roots over the River

Award-winning Pier A Park. (June 2001) Ten years ago, Pier A at Hoboken's south waterfront was slated for a 1.1 million square foot, 33-story office complex to be built over the Hudson River. Today it is a five-acre award-winning public park that people flock to on a warm summer day. The June 2001 issue of [...]

Roots over the River2012-01-18T21:17:29-05:00

Court Victory for Groups Fighting Millennium Towers

(March 2001) Mayor Schundler's effort to put the controversial 43-story Millennium Towers project on a fast track came to an abrupt halt yesterday. Superior Court Judge Jose Fuentes vacated the Jersey City Planning Board's actions that permitted the approvals for this oversized 551-unit project on the Hoboken-Jersey City border. Judge Fuentes determined that six out [...]

Court Victory for Groups Fighting Millennium Towers2017-08-18T20:25:06-04:00

Victory for Campaign to Stop Pier Development

The Shipyard Associates officially withdrew their proposal to build 120 luxury residential units on the North Pier in a letter dated December 19, 2000. The developer's attorney, Ira Karasick, sent this letter to the Hoboken Planning Board citing concerns of Planning Board members and the community as contributing to their decision. The withdrawal [...]

Victory for Campaign to Stop Pier Development2017-08-18T20:25:24-04:00

Residents Petition City to Stop Pier Development

(September 2000) On Tuesday, September 5, Hoboken residents jammed into the ground floor conference room at City Hall to protest Applied Companies' application to build 120 townhouses on a pier at Hoboken's north waterfront. The following evening, Elizabeth Markevitch presented the Hoboken City Council with 2500 signatures of Hoboken residents urging the City to take [...]

Residents Petition City to Stop Pier Development2017-08-18T20:25:40-04:00

Groups Submit Petitions for Referendum Vote

(October 2000) Let the voters of Jersey City decide. This is what leaders of a referendum petition drive say concerning a Jersey City ordinance granting tax abatements to the developers of the controversial Millennium Towers 41-story high-rise. On October 3, Bob DuVal, of the Sgt. Anthony Neigborhood Association and Vito Brunetti, of the Riverview Neighborhood [...]

Groups Submit Petitions for Referendum Vote2017-08-18T20:27:23-04:00

FBW Waterfront Plan Featured in ‘Designing New Jersey’

Model of Fund for a Better Waterfront plan for the Hoboken waterfront. (October 2000) Many of the features of the plan created by the Fund for a Better Waterfront (FBW) in 1990 are now being realized along Hoboken's waterfront. The New Jersey Office of State Planning, in its recently published a book entitled Designing New [...]

FBW Waterfront Plan Featured in ‘Designing New Jersey’2012-01-24T14:12:35-05:00
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