Betterwaterfront archives.

Legal Challenge to Millennium Towers Project

(August 2000) The City of Hoboken has filed suit against its neighboring municipality, the City of Jersey City, its Planning Board and Redevelopment Agency for approving the controversial $150 million, twin 43-story Millennium Towers project. Two civic organizations, the Coalition for a Better Waterfront and the Riverview Neighborhood Association, in a separate action, have also [...]

Legal Challenge to Millennium Towers Project2017-08-18T20:27:58-04:00

Shipyard Ups Ante by 120 Units Over Hudson River

(July 2000) Developer Joseph Barry won approval for the largest development in Hoboken consisting of 1160 units of luxury residential housing and 63,200 square feet of commercial development in 1996. This massive project consists of a series of monolithic, block-long buildings, 13 stories tall, sitting atop 3 and 4 story parking garages. As of June, [...]

Shipyard Ups Ante by 120 Units Over Hudson River2017-08-18T20:28:32-04:00

Jersey City Approves Windfall Gain for Developer

(June 2000) United Diversified, LLC, has succeeded in gaining approvals for his $150 million, 43-story Millennium Towers project in Jersey City. The many controversities surrounding the project did not deter the City of Jersey City from providing an extraordinary economic windfall for United Diversified through amendments to the Jersey Avenue Redevelopment Plan and plans for [...]

Jersey City Approves Windfall Gain for Developer2017-08-18T20:28:53-04:00

Roseland Developers Break Off Negotiations

(May 2000) Friends of the Weehawken Waterfront are organizing a rally to protest the resumption of Planning Board hearings on the proposed Port Imperial South project, one of the largest waterfront developments along the Hudson River. Real estate developer Roseland Properties broke off talks ten days ago with the Friends of the Weehawken Waterfront after [...]

Roseland Developers Break Off Negotiations2017-08-18T20:29:14-04:00

Planning Board Ignores Public Outcry, Approves Towers

(May 2000) On Tuesday, May 9, the Jersey City Planning Board approved amendments to the Jersey Avenue Redevelopment Plan that will increase the building height limit on the site owned by United Diversified, LLC, of Bayonne from 110 to 440 feet. The tumultuous hearing pitted residents of Jersey City and Hoboken who have been waging [...]

Planning Board Ignores Public Outcry, Approves Towers2012-01-18T17:01:31-05:00

Board to Decide Height Increase from 110 to 475 Feet

(May 2000) The Millennium Towers project, consisting of two 43-story towers proposed for the Jersey Avenue Redevelopment Area, will go before the Jersey City Planning Board this Tuesday evening, May 9 at 6:00 p.m. Community organizations from Jersey City Heights to Hoboken have vowed to fight this 475-foot project that exceeds current height restrictions by [...]

Board to Decide Height Increase from 110 to 475 Feet2017-08-18T20:30:00-04:00

Talks Could End 18-Month Battle

(April 2000) Real estate developer Roseland Properties and citizen group Friends of the Weehawken Waterfront (FWW) have entered into settlement negotiations to resolve their year-long legal battle over the future of the proposed Port Imperial South project, one of the largest waterfront developments along the Hudson River. Just weeks after public hearings ground to a [...]

Talks Could End 18-Month Battle2017-08-18T20:30:46-04:00

Hudson River Developers Rake In Corporate Welfare

Developers of prime waterfront real estate along the Hudson River have exerted their political influence to bring in huge subsidies from the government. The "gold coast" takes on a new meaning with the millions of dollars in federal and state money going to benefit private owners building on some of the most valuable land in [...]

Hudson River Developers Rake In Corporate Welfare2012-01-07T01:41:26-05:00

Hearings Could be Voided by Conflict

Fifteen hearings have been held since they began on October 14, 1999. There has been over 50 hours of testimony by eight expert witnesses. Now that he is nearly finished presenting his case, developer Carl Goldberg of Roseland Properties may be forced to start over. Weehawken Planning Board attorney Thomas Dunn ruled that the Board [...]

Hearings Could be Voided by Conflict2017-08-18T20:31:34-04:00

McMullen Abandons Plans for Hoboken Arena

(March 2000) On March 16, John J. McMullen sold his team, the New Jersey Devils, to a Yankee-Nets' affiliate for $175 million, nearly six times the $30,000 he paid for the franchise in 1982. As he took the money, a bitter McMullen railed against Governor Whitman for refusing to grant him the air rights over [...]

McMullen Abandons Plans for Hoboken Arena2017-08-18T20:32:10-04:00

Millennium Towers: How High Can They Go?

(March 2000) The Schundler administration is supporting an effort by United Diversified of Bayonne to build Jersey City's own version of the twin towers, a pair of 43-story spires containing 551 units. The towers would rise 475 feet in the air along the New Jersey Transit train tracks several blocks west of the Hoboken Terminal. [...]

Millennium Towers: How High Can They Go?2012-01-18T17:04:18-05:00

A New Brew for Maxwell House

(March 2000) On Monday, March 20, developers Danny Gans and George Vallone publicly unveiled their plans for "Maxwell Haus," a 950 unit, $300 million complex that preserves several of bauhaus style buildings at the former coffee plant along the Hoboken waterfront. Planner Jane Thompson of Thompson Design Group in Boston who assisted with the presentation, [...]

A New Brew for Maxwell House2012-01-17T21:36:45-05:00
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