We believe that successful waterfronts begin with sound planning, time-tested urban design and an understanding that the water’s edge belongs to the public.

Ignoring public opposition, the Hoboken City Council approved the 25-story redevelopment ordinance for Garage B by a 5 to 3 vote

On March 19, Council members Jabbour, Cohen, Russo, Ramos and Quintero voted in favor of the Garage B redevelopment ordinance in spite of an overwhelming number of Hoboken residents opposing the measure. The redevelopment ordinance allows for 25-story buildings in a zoning district that currently limits heights to 5 stories. Garage B is located between 1st, 2nd, River and Hudson Streets. The City has not conducted any surveys nor has it met directly with neighborhood residents. Presinzano, Fisher and Council President Doyle voted “no.” On Monday night, the Hoboken Planning Board determined that the redevelopment plan conflicted with the City’s Master Plan.  

FBW Open Office Hours  |  Wednesday, March 26, 2025 |  4:00 to 6:00 pm  |  Neumann  Leathers Building  |  RSVP for directions

We would love to meet you and talk about our current projects as well as our 1990 plan that has guided our advocacy and shaped the development of Hoboken’s waterfront.. We are in the historic, sprawling Neumann Leathers Building. Getting to our office is complicated, so please RSVP and we will send you detailed instructions. 


FBW is seeking a highly motivated and experienced Development Director/Event Organizer to join our team

The successful candidate will be responsible for planning, coordinating and executing FBW’s annual fundraising campaign and a number of events that align with our mission. This role requires strong organizational skills, communication abilities and the capacity to work effectively with FBW Board & staff, volunteers and community partners.


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