Hoboken Cove Beach

Celebrating 30 years:  FBW Milestones

2017-2020  FBW works with the City of Hoboken and local groups to secure Union Dry Dock for an additional three acres of the riverfront park, fighting off attempts to make it a ferry refueling/repair depot.

2011-2020  FBW, the City of Hoboken and neighborhood residents litigate a proposal by the Shipyard Associates to build high-rise towers on a pier at the north end of town, resulting in a potential settlement to move the project to the municipal garage site and protect the pier for public open space.

2014  The Waterfront Alliance honors FBW as “Heroes of the Harbor” at its annual Waterfront Conference in New York City

2001  FBW negotiates an agreement with the developers of Maxwell Place to donate land on the riverside of Sinatra Drive for use as part of the public waterfront park. This becomes Maxwell Place Park.

1995  City of Hoboken adopts a redevelopment plan for the South Waterfront that includes most of the planning principles advocated by FBW.

1990  FBW creates a plan for the Hoboken waterfront that includes a continuous, public riverfront park that is later published as a book and represented in a 4’ x 12’ architectural model.

1990  Hoboken voters defeat a Port Authority/City of Hoboken project for the South Waterfront that included a 33-story office complex on Pier A and a half million square feet of residential development on Pier C. Both piers now comprise part of the waterfront park.

About FBW

Fund for a Better Waterfront (FBW) was founded on the belief that the waterfront belongs to the people. For the last thirty years, we have been dedicated to our vision of a contiguous public park along the Hudson River. We have achieved a large portion of that goal in Hoboken and are dedicated to its completion through a process of planning, advocacy and partnerships. We believe that Hoboken can be a beacon of smart urban design and inspiration for waterfront renewal worldwide.