FBW’s Ron Hine will lead a tour explaining the transformation of Hoboken’s waterfront over the past 34 years — based on FBW’s 1990 Plan for the Hoboken Waterfront — and provide updates on Union Dry Dock/Maritime Park, the Sinatra Drive Project and the new park under construction at the Weehawken Cove
Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. – Meet at 11th Street and Sinatra Drive.

Learn the remarkable story of Hoboken’s transformation from a working maritime waterfront to a newly developed riverfront. It all began with FBW’s Plan for the Hoboken Waterfront that included a continuous, public park at the water’s edge. Learn the latest developments concerning Maritime Park/Union Dry Dock, the Sinatra Drive Project and the construction of the waterfront park at the Weehawken Cove. The walk will conclude at Hoboken’s South Waterfront designed by two nationally recognized landscape architects, Henry Arnold (Pier A Park & the promenade) and Michael Van Valkenburgh (Pier C Park).
City of Water Day is a region-wide day of free, family-friendly events on or near the water sponsored by the Waterfront Alliance and NY-NJ Harbor & Estuary Program. Now in its 17th year, this event serves to champion a climate-resilient New York and New Jersey Harbor. In Hoboken, the Fund for a Better Waterfront, Resilience Adventures, the Hoboken Cove Community Boathouse, Ke Aloha Outriggers and the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association will provide a full day of activities, most located at Maxwell Place Park near 11th Street in Hoboken. More info.